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Electrocorundum, polishing powders
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Electrocorundum, polishing powders

Shlifporoshok - is applied to peskostruyny grinding, for production of abrasive pastes, a grinding skin, for finishing works, for manufacturing of the tool, grinding whetstones and circles.

TitleOrderPurpose & Usage
Amorphous boron

Boron produce amorphous B2O3 in the recovery of metallic sodium or potassium. Its density is 1.73 g/cm3.oron amorphous in small quantities is introduced into steel and some alloys for an improvement in their metallic properties.

Boron carbide

Carbide of boron B4c - black bright crystals, is decomposed above 2450c on the hardness it the third, inferior only to diamond and nitride of boron. Abrasive and grinding material; neutron absorber in the nuclear reactors.It adapts in atomic power engineering as the material of the rods, which regulate the flow of nuclear reactions. It is used as the component part of the mixtures for the diffusion boronizing of steels and refractory metals.

Chrome-Titaniferous (alund)Electrocorundum 91A, 92A, 93A, 94A, 95A

Chrome-Titaniferous (alund)Electrocorundum

Cubic nitride of boron (Elbor)

Diamond pastes

Electrocorundum normal (13A, 14A, 15A)

Normal (grades: 16a, 15a, 14a, 13a, containing (93-96)% Al2O3 and smelted with reduction of bauxite).

Ftoropol K (polishing powder)

The preparation of the polishing suspensionhe polishing powder ones "steam”, for which it load into the not oxidizable capacity and pour with hot water (70-80) oC, so that the powder would be covered with water, several times intermix and give mixture to cool. After cooling they pour the remained water with the aid of the hose or the siphon and dilute by water to the density rate (solid/liquid = 1/4). The obtained suspension can be filtered through the kapron sieve of n. 38 or n. 63, ones defend the after that use obtained suspension.
Finished suspension is stored in clean closed enamelled or other not oxidizing container. Before the use they mix and dilute to the necessary concentration.
Warning. Powder is not toxic, it does not cause allergic reactions, is incombustible, fire and explosion-proof, radiationally safe.
With the work with the dry powder one should work under the thrust or employ means of individual protection. To store at a temperature not below 5 oC, far from the acids and the alkalis

Ftoropol M

The preparation of the polishing suspensionhe polishing powder ones "steam”, for which it load into the not oxidizable capacity and pour with hot water (70-80) oC, so that the powder would be covered with water, several times intermix and give mixture to cool. After cooling they pour the remained water with the aid of the hose or the siphon and dilute by water to the density rate (solid/liquid = 1/4). The obtained suspension can be filtered through the kapron sieve of n. 38 or n. 63, ones defend the after that use obtained suspension.
Finished suspension is stored in clean closed enamelled or other not oxidizing container. Before the use they mix and dilute to the necessary concentration.
Warning. Powder is not toxic, it does not cause allergic reactions, is incombustible, fire and explosion-proof, radiationally safe.
With the work with the dry powder one should work under the thrust or employ means of individual protection. To store at a temperature not below 5 oC, far from the acids and the alkalis

Ftoropol U

Green silicon carbide (CCH 63C, 64C)

Green silicon carbide (CCH 63C, 64C)

Hexagonal boron nitride

Boron nitride (BN) is sometimes called white graphite. His get annealing technical boron or boron oxide in the atmosphere of ammonia. It is a white, similar to talcum powder, but the similarity with talc is purely external, much larger and deeper similarity is between the amorphous boron nitride and graphite.

Polishing powder OPTIPOL

Polishing powder OPTIPOL is a free-flowing crystalline powder from brown to yellowish color, based on a mixture of oxides of rare earth elements (Ce, La, Nd).Polirit  - versatile powder for polishing a wide range of optical glasses, lenses, mirrors and other glass products, electronic equipment, jewelry and decorative materials to hand (brush) and automatic feeding of the suspension. Powder can be used on all modes of working out (pressure 0.1 – 3.0 bar, rotation speed - 100 - 2500 rpm), using bedding and autopower.
One.uses polishing - peko-rosin-resins and pastes - for processing of products of medium and high precision, polyurethane foam with filler OPTIPOL for processing products with high accuracy intensive mode.
OPTIPOL  is of three kinds, depending on the content of cerium oxide and the presence of additives (polished, polished fluorinated (foropol), polished with a high content of cerium (cerit))

Silicon carbide black (CCH 53C, 54C)

Silicon carbide black (CCH 53C, 54C)has a black content of silicon carbide SiC - 96-99%. It is produced through the restoration of silica in resistance furnaces. Distinguished by high hardness, abrasive ability and fragility (grains have the form of thin plates, thus increasing their fragility in the process, in addition, they held worsely by a bunch in the tool) is used to process hard, brittle and very viscous materials with low tensile strength.
53Cs used for the manufacture of tool grinding powders and the micro- polishing powders on all bundles for processing workpieces of cast iron, nonferrous metals and tungsten carbide, sandpaper for finishing work and

finishing. Finishing work and fine-tuning the details of cast iron and nonferrous metals are producing with loose micro-polishing powders. Finishing works and thin finishing are fulfilling with not fixed in grain refinement.

is used for molding tools of carborundum grains in all bundles for processing workpieces of cast iron, nonferrous metals and tungsten carbide, sandpaper for finishing works.

The French chalk (Vienna lime)

Polishing technological (Vienna) lime, - a white powder, apply to polishing of products from non-ferrous metals, gold, silver, from it prepare universal polishing pastes.

White electrocorundum (24A, 25A)

White electrocorundum (brands: 25a, 24a, 23a, with the Al2O3 content of no more than 99%).Obtained from the alumina abrasive higher grade (25a), it possesses high hardness, strength, heat resistance, high brittleness and high cutting capacity, he has a slight number of impurities and more homogeneous in composition. It is more suitable for the abrasive paper and other products with an abrasive coating to produce a tool that is used for treatment of solid hardened steel, is also used for sanding.Since it is abrasive material, such properties as strength, hardness, brittleness and heat resistance, can regulated in process of its receipt. Introduction to the melt of various chemical elements that form solid solutions with it, get abrasive materials with desired properties, for example, chromic, Ti-electrocorundum etc.

Zirconium electrocorundum (38A)

Aluminium oxide, Zirconia - artificial material-is produced on the basis of electrocorundum white with the addition of zirconium oxide. This material has a very high strength. He is able to handle the material with the clamping force is about 10 times bigger than a normal grinding wheel made of other materials. Rough and обдирочном the use of grinding circles of such material is very effective. Due to the slight heating of the workpiece machined surface not arise


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